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Welcome to the API! Our API endpoints can be bundled into any application using the npm module blip-deliveries.

This documents the use of the API using server-side node.js, and will eventually document the library in other backend laguages.

To get started with a live account, contact Blip to get a storeID. Alternatively, you can play around with the functions in testmode, by replacing the storeID with 'test'

Getting started

To authorize, use this code:

# Authorization is done on a per-call basis. No authorization setup is needed when using Http

Blip uses a storeID to allow access to the API. You can register by contacting sales.

Get a delivery quote

This retrieves a live price for a delivery, given two addresses. If your account uses subscription based pricing, use getDeliveriesLeft instead.

Required JSON

Example request: # Live API endpoint # Test API endpoint

JSON body:

    pickupAddress: "156 Enfield Place, Mississauga, ON",
    deliveryAddress: "100 City Centre drive, Mississauga, ON",
Parameter Description
pickupAddress The address of your pickup point. Include the locality + city
deliveryAddress The address of your delivery point. Include the locality + city
storeID Your storeID

Example response:

  "blipFee": 100,
  "price": 337,
  "totalPrice": 447,
  "duration": "41 min(s)"

Response JSON

Parameter Description
blipFee Integer fee of the API call
price Integer price of the delivery
totalPrice Integer price of the delivery charged to your account
duration String describing the estimated duration for the delivery

Create a new delivery

This creates a new delivery request, and charges the card on file. If you do not have any card on file with us, download the Blip Store app, and update your card details.

Example request # Live API endpoint # Test API endpoint

JSON body:

    delivery: {
        instructions: "Deliver to the lobby",
        contact: {
            name: "John Smith",
            number: "+16479839837"
        location: {
            address: "156 Enfield Place, Mississauga, ON" 
    pickup: {
        order_number: "ABC123",
        instructions: "Pickup from the main desk",
        contact: {
            number: "+16478229867"
        location: {
            address: "200 Burnhamthorpe road west, Mississauga, ON"
    dropoffTime: 14151351351,
    metadata: {
        orderNumber: "ABC123",
        appID: "Shopify"
    storeID: "L12354Hhhf9-f"

Required JSON

Parameter Description String name of the reciever String phone number of the reciever
delivery.location.address String address of the delivery location
delivery.instructions String instruction for the driver upon reaching the delivery point OPTIONAL
delivery.dropoffTime Unix timestamp for the start of the delivery window. For eg. if the delivery window is between 1pm - 2pm, use the Unix timestamp for 1pm OPTIONAL
metadata.orderNumber String order number for your own reference
metadata.appID String descrbing the app that made the order OPTIONAL
pickup.instructions String instructions for the driver upon reaching the pickup location OPTIONAL String phone number the driver can call if there is a problem during pickup
pickup.location.address String address of the pickup location
storeID String of the storeID you recieved when signing up with blip

Example response:

    "storeID": "-LJlJ-xuYqEtgs6C1qky",
    "delivery": {
        "contact": {
            "name": "John Smith",
            "number": "+16479839837"
        "location": {
            "address": "156 Enfield Place, Mississauga",
            "latitude": 43.5907771,
            "longitude": -79.6340031
        "instructions": "Deliver to the lobby"
    "pickup": {
        "contact": {
            "number": "+16478229867"
        "location": {
            "address": "200 Burnhamthorpe road west, Mississauga",
            "latitude": 43.5890505,
            "longitude": -79.64045229999999
        "instructions": "Pickup from the main desk"
    "metaData": {
        "orderNumber": "ABC123",
        "appID": "shopify"
    "status": {
        "timeCreated": 1537389047
    "chargeID": "ch_1DCCJvA4IkmlaKtpe3YcDT2G",
    "id": "PCAPIIL"

Response JSON

Parameter Description
delivery A delivery object composed of a contact, location, and instruction.
pickup A pickup object composed of an order number, contact, location, and instruction.
metadata An object containing an order number for your own reference plus an optional appID for example "shopify" String name of the reciever String phone number of the reciever
delivery.location.address String address of the delivery location
delivery.location.latitude Coordinate of the delivery location's latitude
delivery.location.longitude Coordinate of the delivery location's longitude
delivery.instruction String instruction for the driver upon reaching the delivery point
metadata.orderNumber String order number for your own reference
metadata.appID String to reference the app from which this request has been generated
pickup.instructions String instructions for the driver upon reaching the pickup location String phone number the driver can call if there is a problem during pickup
pickup.location.address String address of the pickup location
pickup.location.latitude Coordinate of the pickup location's latitude
pickup.location.longitude Coordinate of the pickup location's longitude
status.timeCreated UNIX timestamp when the delivery request was generated
chargeID An ID referencing the charge made to the card on file
id The deliveryID of the generated delivery

Get delivery status

This retrieves a delivery object, and it's current status

Example request # Live API endpoint # Test API endpoint

JSON body:

    "deliveryID": "ASF781",
    "storeID": "L12354Hhhf9-f"

Required JSON

Parameter Description
deliveryID String deliveryID of a delivery created using makeDeliveryRequest
storeID String of the storeID you recieved when signing up with blip

Example response:

    timeTaken: 1537144441,
    timePickedUp: 1537144845,
    timeDelivered: 1537145169,
    timeCreated: 1537144418,
    pickupETA: 1537144845,
    dropoffETA: 1537144588,
    courier: {
        name: {
            firstName: "Tai",
            lastName: "Lopez"
        driverID: "bafa0a6ffbbead086d2aff257bdae684",
        number: "+16479839837",
        picture: ""

Response JSON

Parameter Description
timeTaken UNIX timestamp in seconds of the time the delivery was accepted by a courier
timePickedUp UNIX timestamp in seconds of the time the delivery was picked up
timeDelivered UNIX timestamp in seconds of the time the delivery was delivered
timeCreated UNIX timestamp in seconds of the time the delivery was created
pickupETA UNIX timestamp in seconds of an estimated time of pickup
dropoffETA UNIX timestamp in seconds of an estimated time of dropoff String firstname of the courier on the job String lastname of the courier on the job
courier.driverID String of the courier's ID
courier.number String of the phone number of the courier
courier.picture String of the URL for the courier's profile picture

Cancel delivery

You can cancel a delivery if it hasn't already been accepted by a courier. We will eventually add support for all types of cancellations, but currently only allow for cancellations before a courier has accepted a delivery request. A 100% refund will trigger upon cancellation, and your funds will appear within 5 business days.

Example request # Live API endpoint # Test API endpoint

JSON body:

    "deliveryID": "ASF781",
    "storeID": "L12354Hhhf9-f"

Required JSON

Parameter Description
deliveryID String deliveryID of a delivery created using makeDeliveryRequest
storeID String of the storeID you recieved when signing up with blip

Example response:

    "refund": {
        "id": "re_1DCHmRA4IkmlaKtpRZC7i0mx",
        "object": "refund",
        "amount": 571,
        "balance_transaction": "txn_1DCHmRA4IkmlaKtpC6JdMukg",
        "charge": "ch_1DCCJvA4IkmlaKtpe3YcDT2G",
        "created": 1537410035,
        "currency": "cad",
        "metadata": {},
        "reason": null,
        "receipt_number": null,
        "status": "succeeded"

Response JSON

Parameter Description
refund A refund object verifying a successful refund was made

Get driver location

After a delivery has been accepted, it contains a courier property. The courier is a driver that has been dispatched, who's location updates every 500-700 meters. This function should not be called more than once every 1 minute, as doing so may result in excess charges to your account. Furthermore, a status code of 400 will be returned if the deliveryID references a delivery that has not been picked up. To ensure a status code of 200, make sure to call getDeliveryStatus first, and check if it contains a courier property.

To get the current location of your driver, use getDriverLocation(options) where options is an object containing the deliveryID of the delivery to track

Example request # Live API endpoint # Test API endpoint

JSON body:

    deliveryID: "ASF781",
    storeID: "L12354Hhhf9-f"

Required JSON

Parameter Description
deliveryID String deliveryID of a delivery created using createNewDelivery
storeID String of the storeID you recieved when signing up with blip

Example response:

{   location: {
        latitude: 43.5890505,
        longitude: -79.6404522

Response JSON

Parameter Description
location.latitude Number indicating the current latitude of the driver on your job
location.longitude Number indicating the current longitude of the driver on your job

Get deliveries

Sometimes, you may need all the delivery requests created by your store. You can use getDeliveries to get an array of all the deliveryID's associated with your storeID

Example request # Live API endpoint # Test API endpoint

JSON body:

    "storeID": "L12354Hhhf9-f"

Required JSON

Parameter Description
storeID String of the storeID you recieved when signing up with blip

Example response:

    "deliveries": [

Response JSON

Parameter Description
deliveries Array of deliveryID's associated with your storeID

Get delivery

Sometimes, you might want to get a single delivery object that you can reference with it's corresponding deliveryID. To do this, use getDelivery, passing in a deliveryID in the request body. Alternatively, if you do not want to keep a track of the deliveryID, you can pass in an orderNumber & appID pair, and it'll retrieve the corresponding delivery, without needing to know the deliveryID

Example request # Live API endpoint # Test API endpoint

JSON body:

    storeID: "L12354Hhhf9-f",
    deliveryID: "NJKFN8",
    appID: "Shopify",
    orderNumber: "ABC123"

Required JSON

Parameter Description
storeID String of the storeID you recieved when signing up with blip
deliveryID String of the deliveryID of the corresponding delivery object you want to retrieve
appID String of the appID passed when creating the delivery OPTIONAL
orderNumber String of the orderNumber passed when creating the delivery OPTIONAL

Example response:

    "delivery": {
        "deliveryStatus": {
            "timeTaken": null,
            "timePickedUp": null,
            "timeDelivered": null,
            "timeCreated": 1541796957,
            "pickupETA": null,
            "dropoffETA": null,
            "courier": null
        "id": "4OOHNJT",
        "delivery": {
            "contact": {
                "name": "John Smith",
                "number": "+16479839837"
            "instructions": "Drop off at security",
            "location": {
                "address": "156 Enfield Place, Mississauga",
                "latitude": 43.5907771,
                "longitude": -79.6340031
        "pickup": {
            "contact": {
                "name": "James Bean",
                "number": "+16479839836"
            "instructions": "Pickup from main desk",
            "location": {
                "address": "200 Burnhamthorpe road west, Mississauga",
                "latitude": 43.5890505,
                "longitude": -79.64045229999999
        "metadata": {
            "orderNumber": "ABC123",
            "appID": "Shopify"

Response JSON

Parameter Description
delivery The delivery object
deliveryStatus The delivery status object
id The deliveryID of the delivery object
delivery (child object of the main delivery object) The dropoff object
pickup The pickup object


The Blip API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- An error occured, check response.error for a string explanation of the reason the error occured.